are difficult to create and purposeless altogether. Nonetheless
it gives a sense of completion to the webpage. What significance
does this page hold? To give a mere description of what needs
no introduction? As stated previously this serves no purpose
yet is necessary. As you've noticed this page alone gives a
first impression. The impression being that the site is nothing
but a mere waste of space on the internet. I would get some
satisfaction from the site as I'm sure you do, if it weren't
for the strenuous amount of errors creating this reflection
of yours truly.
So as we have it. For traditional purposes,
we have the page of introduction, a.k.a. Introduction page.
This page introduces you to what shenanigans go on within this
reflection of odd behavior, strange happenings, and supercilious
content. Which is all miscellaneous context from my life, friends,
thoughts, information, free time, and of course, naked pictures
of me! (Sorry ladies and a few of you guys you know who you
are there are really no naked pictures of me). Any who feel
free to roam the site as needed. Please I encourage you to do
everything the site hold's (main ex. sign guest books, they're
quite fun!). All there is to bid you farewell with is to enjoy
the site, or go build your own and make it better than this
or something. Thanks for visiting!
Birfday Megan
: Message Board seems to be getting to me. I cant seem to
get it running properly cgi this perl that. So I guess ill
go try for some different one or something.
today : Well today
was the first tranquility day I had in quite awhile. Basically
I enjoy nature and just do something productive and constructive
for awhile. Then around night timish we headed down to Megan's
B-day party. There were 3 this night and i was going to make
2 others but they live oh so far and I just wished them happy
birthday and stuff. So Megan's party was cool. Not very much
so for her. I feel bad, I destroyed what I got her in one
my sprees of anger and rage. I'll make it up to her sometime
though. She deserved better than that. Stupid Cliques. Ah
well. Just makes me feel bad now. *sigh* stupid hate. stupid
love... SO after the party which I left so rudely early after
i was fashionably late.. Mike Lee is in town so a big bunch
of us went down to Sunset Lanes. Im getting really sick of
society too. Pricks. Anywho I bowled a couple bad games. I
took this inflatable can of 180 energy elixir or whatever.
Then I went home. First I crashed, then i crashed for a little
at Stizes house and then I went to go hang with Ali, Ryan,
Court, Crisp, and Eric as we said goodbye to our friend Courtney
Evers. I miss her already. I feel bad not spending that much
time with her. Guilts a big part eh? Superego aint it? Green
Valley 14. Chaparral 21.
: I am proud to say that the Basics section is finally done..
today : So the
day starts. School. Nothing special at all there. Go home.
Go to church to get to the Christian College Fair. My only
comment about that is free punch and cookies. Then after that
we head down to the football game. Not bad. Not great either.
It was all fun. I was being loud. Had the crew there, then
a buncha GV moo yan lans come and sit in the away section
with us "ghetto fruity Chaparral kids" compared
to the "educated Green Calley whatnot". These are
the type of black people that give them a bad name. So we
figure hey if they can sit in our section we can sit in theirs
eh? Thats exactly what we do. Me, Cain, Taylor, and Go-lightly
head down to Gator Town. When entering their bleachers yelling
"Cha-par-ral" what happens? We get kicked out of
the damn game. This really makes me mad. So we try to get
back in. That doesnt work. Then we walk all the way around
to the other side. We climb the fence, we're stopped by our
freinds the CCDS 5.0's. Jerks. So we walk back to the front
and walk right back in the game. 4th quarter. All good. So
then while walking back in the cops sit and monitor us the
whole time. The negroes are still there. Still rooting for
GV. Oh well we won. On the way out of them game I made some
GV people really mad. Afterwards I headed down to the church
for some contimplation and reflection. So that concludes Green
Valley home of the bias.....Thus the birth of the IHGVC. Oct10.Tue24.2001
: Guestbook 2 and 3 are done. Going to make them a little
more shanzzy. Working on a message board too.
today : Well today is this first
day I missed a whole day of shcool. I skipped first and was
about to go to shcool. So I called a friend up to go to take
me to school. But we ended up chilling for about 4 hours.
Then I was taken back home. Then I was joined with Ali, Jen,
and Court. We headed down to get some food and then played
some v-ball at the church. There were about 20 or so people
there. When leaving I smashed my friggin thumb in the door
of a car. It hurts like a mother. Thats all I guess... Oct10.Mon23.2001
: Awards and Polls pages are up. Lah-dee-friggin-dah.
today : I've been tired this
whole friggin day. Didn't do much. The highlight of the day
was going to the rescue mission. Goodnight. Happy
Birfday Christopher Lee.
: Changed the color shcemes of the guestbooks and put another
one online. Yay!
today : Rather an Awkward day.
Rather long might i say too. So Here's how it goes. After
Homecoming I went to the church (because i couldnt come home,
my dad would kill me). Anywho, they were doing this MTO thing
(Mission to others) and it went on during homecoming and it
was a lot of fun (not as much as HC tho) and well I didnt
get much sleep. Anywho there was sunday shcool with about
200 other people and morning service, with a regular amount
of people. All good. I got a lot of comps on looking sharp.
Guess I should wear a tux more often. Church was good I got
to see Courtney Evers for the first time in what seems to
be a eternity. Then we had a new members banquet, we were
"invited" to go, so we decided to say hello to the
new folks, theyre quite cool people. Then headed home for
a very short while and say congrats to Chris on 18. Even though
it was last Thursday, his bbq was today. a turn up of about
20ish people. Anywho we chilled for a little, then played
some ball. We parted then played some V-Ball at el parque
got some munchies at el box and not go to Borders. ~Fin Homecoming 2001
: I tried doing crap in the morning. Comp locked. Ah hell.
Fun Fun Fun.
today : Ah. Homecoming.
I'm not going to get into great detail about the best shcool
experience yet, but heres a good taste. So here was the day.
Got up 10ish went to get ready. 3ish, finished getting ready.
4:00 left to pick up the girls in our Suburban Limo, first
time it had been used by the way. Very nice. So We headed
down to that Japenese place where they cut up food for you
and stuff in front of you. You know what I am talking about.
Then we headed down to the dance. Tons-o-fun. Afterwards we
headed to the Venetian. Ya know. Here's my favorite part,
we went to this house on sunrise moutnain which holds a view
of the city. We sung and played them a song (which Tristan
wrote and compsed himself) served them dessert and just chilled
a little more for a little bit before calling it a night.
Thanks to everyone for the great night.
: The scoop, touched everything up, yeah, thats all. Just
touch ups. Nothing but touchups.
today : Well lets see. School.
Nothing there. Besides the fact that it sucked. Went to Wendy's
aftershcool, a first time just the brotherhood event in quite
sometime. Afterwards we kicked it at casa de hoho for a little
bit, watched some Dirty Work, played some Eric and some el
chesso. So far im leading the "series" 3-2 I believe.
Then after all that we headed down to Tuxedo Juncion to get
our tuxes for next week. Im kinda screwed now that my dad
tells me that hes giving me jack schitt for HC. No big deal
however. Then Eric picked me up and took me down to the game.
Our mascot sucks bigtime, like Silverado. This is the first
game we lost, 46-41 I believe, it was a good game however,
had involuntary standing of the crowd, good stuff. Lost my
frickin glasses lens, im in deep ya know. So Im in a tight
bind. Anywho we went down to Paul Roberts house (we being
a lot of friggin people, 20 or so people) for some entertainment.
Call it a night about 3ish. Piece. Oct10.Thu11.2001
: This update. Never going to do one again, unless I actually
did something to the page. I just thought today was a funny
today : School was rather a odd
experience for me today. I realized today that I have sleeping
problems. Its really bad, so starting from Monday I'm going
to work on my problem. Today a janitor ends up waking me 30
minutes after shcool. I think maybe that might have taught
me. Any how I'm rather embarassed that happened. I caught
a ride with Laya to my church to ball it up. I think I won
every game, or every team I was on won (same thing). After
that went to Stiz's for a little to do some Solid Food HW,
then headed down to Solid food. It was rather enlightening,
I finally signed this contract where I can't drink, swear,
or screw. Thats not the tough part I see though. I see the
though part is having a christian attidtude. It will be hard
but I will see what I can do. After that we ended up talking
about Friends (the show, or entertainment in general) for
a couple hours. That was cool. Went home for a little bit
to mess around. Called it a night about 3ish. Oct10.Thu10.2001
: So the brotherhood section is up once again, redone with
the font change and layout change and whatnot. Polls page
is new. I came to the conclusion to keep the graphics as they
are. Thats what my new site is for. Then ill make another,
and another. Rollovers sooner or later.
today : Okay, shcool. Nothing
big there. There is proficiency testing going on at shcool.
Whoopee. Comp Sci, Govt, and Mod Lit. Sarah gave the class
the rest of the tootsie rolls I used to ask her to Homecoming
with, neither of us really like Tootsie Rolls. Went to In-N-Out
after shcool Me, Mo, O-mac, and Donny. We saw Bobby in the
drive thu. Went home. Played around for a little bit. Watched
DBZ then headed up to church. Church was cool. Played some
odd basketball, and then pictinoary, we lost, and lost bad.
My teams always suck. Heh. Uh. Played some basketball, think
I broke my elbow and finger (not really). Headed back home
and am continuing the tradition of all-nighter Wednesday followed
by breakfast Thursday. 2 toally new things just made up like
sweatshirt fridays. Anywho thats all for tiz-day piz-out. Oct10.Sun07.2001
: Well I decided to keep a full update log the other thing
wasnt working to me, whatever that was. Waste of time. This
is much way easier. So now I have a easy way to make updates
and more often. A while new scheme for images and some rollovers...O0O0O0O0O0O
yeah. Well with all of this out of the way I can start getting
down to whats important.
today : I woke up pretty early
this morning. So I could get breakfast with Donny, Ali, Crisp,
Rymoney, and Sitzoltz. After eating a hefty breakfast. We
headed up to the church for some spiritual enlightenment.
After church was over I headed back home and napped for a
4 or so hours since I didnt get much sleep afterwards. Went
down to church for some night service. After service the winners
of Operation October were announced. Yeah. Orange Omegas won.
WOOOO!!!! Just goes to show you whos best eh? We got tickets
to a Rebels game. Thats tiz-ight. So once all the rig-a-ma-roll
was over with Ali, Stiz, Crisp, Shannon, Shannon, Donny, Aaron,
Mo, Natalie, Jon, Erin and me decided to play some el volleybol
americano. It was Aaron, Jon, Natalie and me vs. Crisp, Eric,
Ali, and Shannon. We won the game that counts. Then we all
went home ~Fin
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