renown history of the Brotherhood:
Well, on a odd Halloween night of 2000, I remember it being a
group of us, then later on being just me and Chris Burchett. I
remember getting mad and started heading home from a night of
trick or treating. Anyhow we happened to have stumbled upon Shane
(O-Mac) and Ramon (Carpet-rider, Camel Jockey). So we messed
around for a little bit and then happen to see Mark (Nutter-butter).
Once we had formed a posse, we went around neighborhoods,
vandalizing, stealing, and whatnot. I think we picked up a
skateboard, scooter, and a few other items of value. During that
time we also tried to break some glass with porcelain. Later that
night Shane met up with one of his connections we like to call
Chink-Bo, cool guy. We went to chill by the park with some
brew skis. After time we decided to make this a weekly thing, thus
creating the brotherhood. With the original name of Tuesday Club
(due to the fact that it was on a Tuesday), we never really met on
Tuesdays if anything. Shane, Chris, Ramon, and me would go around
pulling some shenanigans. We never heard from mark afterwards
however. We later came to our senses to kick Chris out of the
brotherhood. During the time of Tuesday Club, nothing much was
accomplished than the old spit kick and some good laughs. Then came
a long time of silence before a new brotherhood had emerged.
Although dismembering Ramon without any digression its unknown how
the new brotherhood actually came to form.