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Yep, thats me.

The cutest lil pic o me.

The picture taken off my 7th Grade Student I.D.

Good ol Ho giving the Retards on the Campus a hard time.

This is "me" doing a backflip. Heh.

Shrek and I getting some ice cream.

Letting Shrek get some air from outside the trunk.

Me and Aric, nice little before picture. I just woke up.

Of course whats the before without the after.

Me and Ali doing our thing.

Ali returning the favor.
Name: Michael Vincent Hogan
Nicknames: Ho, Hoho, Hohot, Hoagie Roll, Mikey, Twinkie, Cupcake, Ding Dong, "Whats he doing?", Hulk, Fathead, etc. etc.
Pornstar Name: Vincent Death Valley
Model Name: Vada Dune
Online Contacts: AOL IM : A6SLHoho
ICQ IM : 75467405
MSN IM : A6SLHoho@Msn.com
Physical Description: Brown Eyes, Black Hair, Medium Build, brown skin. Last seen with No one. If you have seen this person please call 799-5111.
What You See: 5' 10" / 174lbs. / 16%BF (092501/0435P)
Origin: Manila, Phillipines / 11784/1028A
Breed: Flipish (Filipino/Irish)
Meaning: Dog-Eating Drunk
Religion Lean, Mean, Nazarene!! (not mean, just rhymes). I reccomend you atleast visiting once or twice. You will have fun.
Schooling: WOOOOOO!!!! Chaparral COWBOYS!!! SENIORS DOMINATE!!! Freshman and Sophmores sucks, I cant say Juniors suck, because I might be one. Slim to none though.
Employment: As of the moment, I am unemployed, but I need a job desperately. My first job, I moved furniture around. It was a great job, paid very well. I got a hernea though, the job was illegit anyways, but man was it a good one. Then I worked at Quiznos for 4 months. That was absolute hell. I finally got fired for mouthing off to a customer and eating their food, I ate so much I raised their food cost.
Sports: I don't really play anything for school, other than running, xcountry and track, and Im only doing track this year. I play tennis a couple times every week and I play basketball for my church. That about cuts it for me for sports. Im always up to new things however.
Stupid Talents: I guess with a stretch of luck I can consider what little these are talents. Snake, Toe touch, Handspring, Kick-up. Yeah, whatever talent shmalent. You tell me. Sooner or later I will master the Pogo Stick, Unicycle, and Clown Bike.
Clubs/Activities: Key Club, sorta, I havent done jack for the last couple years. Im not that involved and I dont care to be.
Hobbies: The usual chilling with the friends, eating, web-design (duh), drawring, observation, self-improvement, learning what interests me, shenanigans, meeting people, women, psychology and I'm always up for something new.
Dream Cars: 1998 Minute Rice Honda Civic LX V-Tec
2002 Chrysler PT Cruiser Convertible
2002 Ford E-350
2002 Isuzu Rodeo LSE
1967 Ford Pinto
2002 BMW R1100 RS
2002 BMW C1
2002 Chrysler Prowler
2002 Ducati 900SS
1995 Mustang Cobra
Workout Stats: Bench: 195
Squat: 305 (092501/1128P)
I never ever even done this one, Im going to be 1000 some day, just watch.
Bad Habits: Odd tendencey to pick things, bodily noises, shoveling eating technique, procrasitnation, drools, drinking out of the carton, touching wet paint signs, mentions bad habits, blatent impoliteness and rudeness, refridgarator radiation, popping bones, and eating related incidents.
After School Time: Spent traditionally getting lunch with the brotherhood and whoever wishes to join, occasionally followed by some type of athletic recreation then all head to the hiz-ouses.
Home Time: If im not online then im not home, thats a given. I rarely watch tv, I eat by my computer, everything I do is done in my room, or the kitchen, or the pathway between my room to the kitchen. All I do is listen to the radio, work on the site, clean the rooms, kick it, play games, and on rare occasions homework.
Frequent Flyer Miles: I've been to a great amount of places. Spending time there is a different story. Ive visited quite alot of states. Cali, many times, I reccomend visiting Carlsbad. All the southwest. Some other places. Oregon (to get to Washington), Washington (relatives), Idaho (get to Washington), Montana (from Canada), Oklahoma (relatives), Utah, New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, the Dakotas. Arizona for alot of reasons. Hawaii (absolutely Beautiful). Philipines (duh). The entire east coast. Florida and Washington D.C. are highlights. Jamica. Mexico (ew) and Canada which is a absolutely beautiful Country. Ive been on quite a few flights and a cruise. Thats all folks.
Most Prized Possesion: I guess there really Isn't anything materialistic I value greatly. Nothing much of sentimental value. All that stuff is hanging everywhere in my room.
Priorities: 1. God
2. Me
3. Friends
4. God
5. School
Sport Stats:

Bowling: 112 average. 173 high.
Golf: 62 on a 27 par. haha.
400m: 54.8 best 58 average
800m: 2.12 best 2.30 average

Stupid Stats: Farthest traveled with handstand: 80m approx.
Longest time with handstand : 2m 13s
Food Stats:

Sodas drank in a period: 9 cans
Time it took to drink 1 gal of milk: 22 mins.
Pizza Hut Pizza eaten: 2.2
McDonalds .49 Cheeseburgers: 8

Marital Status: I'm to that point where I don't care much, whatever happens happens. Thats me.
To Do List:

This is just a list of stupid things I really want to do in the future.
1. Parachute into the school courtyard.
2. Visit my whole family. (even if theyre my Uncle's Sister's Bestfriend's Roomate's Boss or something like that).
3. Have my own show.
4. My fully loaded dream house with cars.
5. Have my own national holiday, sexual position, action figure, and video game.
6. Stay up for a whole week.
7. Finish my never to be finished website.
8. Go to every dance my senior year.
9. Bowl a 300, and patent my handstand ball.
10. Make those stupid inventions I conger up. Like that stupid washer/dryer thing.
11. Master the pogo stick, clown bike, and unicycle.
12. Own a Zorb ball and a giant inflatable spider-man.
13. Fake my death.
14. Hit a random person with a car.
15. Kayak the Nevada wash after a rain.
16. Drink a gallon of milk and 2 liters of DP in 5 minutes.
17. Swing across the school courtyard, like Tarzan.
18. Run naked through a whole mall.
19. Ride a shopping cart, unicycle, and scooter down harmon hill.
20. Die happy and righteous.
21. Run a 50 second 400.
22. Swallow fighting fish and throw them back up.
23. Get shot.
24. Have a million by the age of 25.
25. Live to be 100.

Future Plans: Well, yeah. For whatever future I have, and lack of confidence. Im going to go learn comp sci and commercial architecture or C.A.D. (Computer Aided Drafting) or something of the sort. I'll be doing atleast one of these things. Attending Devry, UNLV, or ITT. I figured it out where I can attend all there and have 2 degrees. Eventually I'll get my house and cars, and for some odd reason find that perfect woman. My future is obviously alot more elaborate than this, but I dont feel like boring you with details. Somewhere in all that mess I want to fit in psychology. I just dont know where.